
We have no “Border” as we know it, which means we soon won’t have a country. I’ll fight to end this intentionally destructive Biden policy when I get to Congress. Build the wall and stop illegal immigration and deadly Fentanyl pouring across our borders. Then fix and strengthen immigration policies…and actually enforce them! Invest in more border patrol and law enforcement agents, not IRS agents. We should also designate the Cartels operating at our Southern Border for what they are: Terrorist Organizations.

Government tells us that inflation is under control. Really? The Government is misleading you. Prices are still unbearable, and working families and seniors are getting crushed because the Government spent too much. We continue to do so with Democrats, and sadly, some Republican Politicians, who couldn’t care less that it’s your hard-earned dollars they are frivolously spending and wasting. It’s long past time to rein in government spending.

At almost $37,000,000,000,000 (that’s 37 trillion, folks) and growing, Federal Debt is out of sight and unsustainable! Our grandkids and your grandkids, will be enslaved by this debt, and that’s one of the reasons I’m running.

The Great Liberal gun grab, land grab, and water grab are underway, so I’m going to DC to stop it. You’ve worked hard for what you have, and the farms and ranches so many of you run are your livelihoods, and are mostly generational legacies. You should be able to profitably produce food for Americans without the threat of having your water and land taken from you. Your livestock should graze unstressed without the worry of a lurking wolf pack. The government should either be helping you, or staying out of your way. They are doing neither!

Education is a stepping stone for our children’s success in life. It’s challenging enough for them to learn the basics of reading, writing, arithmetic, real science, and fact-based history without the added stress of federal mandates on diversity, inclusion, and other adult nonsense. Our children first need to be allowed to be children, and then to have the freedom to develop their own opinions and positions based upon their life experiences. I will work hard to get rid of those federal mandates when I get to Washington.

Taxes are stupidly high, and they are getting higher under the Democrats. These tax hikes jeopardize your property, ranches, farms, and way of life if this nonsense continues. How can you buy a house, or pass on a family farm or business with the IRS breathing down your neck? I will work with a Republican team and sensible Democrats to lower these ridiculous taxes and reduce unnecessary regulations.

Our cherished Veterans are badly disrespected by Washington. The VA Medical system is a mess, and our SW Colorado vets have to travel hours to Albuquerque for just 1 Star care if they want to have travel cost assistance. Our veterans deserve the best treatment, and when I get to DC, I’ll work hard to ensure they are not handcuffed to lesser quality care than their service to our country deserves! I will fight for financial assistance for their travel expenses to get to the next closest, 3-star rated (or above) treatment facility. I’ll also work to take care of our homeless vets, who shouldn’t be in the streets after serving our country with honor while illegal immigrants receive free healthcare and other benefits.

Our national security is at risk thanks to declining defense budgets under Biden. China is growing stronger, and we are growing weaker. We cannot strengthen other countries’ militaries while ours is in decline. That just defies common sense, and I’ll work tirelessly to end that on my watch. It’s time our military regains its top standing, so I will lead in redirecting dollars to this important task. We cannot keep wasting money on corrupt foreign countries that don’t respect us, and we must demand our European allies pay their fair share of treaty obligations.

The Biden Democrats want all of you to be driving electric cars and tractors and to give up your gas stoves. If you elect me to Congress, I will fight that tooth and nail against this nonsense! Not because alternative energy is all bad, but simply because we’re still a long way from the technology being efficient enough and cost-effective for the average American. It’s time we unleash the production of all of our energy resources, and it’s time we regain our energy independence and dominance as we had under President Trump.

Draining the Swamp for Real. Enough of the insider trading, the corruption, and the politicians getting rich while selling out our families to the highest bidder. We need more people stepping up to actually fight for families, putting them and America first. That’s exactly what I’m going to do. No more special interest politics, just straight, honest action.